Liquid democracy is a new way for citizens to participate in the lawmaking process, and to take control of their government.
Instead of giving representative lawmakers free reign to do what they please between elections, liquid democracy allows the public to set the legislative agenda in Congress, and decide which individual bills/initiatives should become law.
Liquid democracy is an upgrade to our existing system of representative democracy, but requires no existing laws to be changed, and can be implemented immediately.
- Voters elect a new, liquid representative, or ask their current lawmaker to convert to a liquid democracy platform such as Liquid Center.
- Voters download an app, such as Liquify, to make their preferences known to their representative, and to collectively determine what problems congress should be focused on fixing (in order of priority).
- Representatives use a version of the same app to tally votes from constituents in their district. When voters indicate YES on a particular bill/initiative, their representative will vote YES in congress, to turn it into a law.
- Voters can delegate their votes to any other citizen of their choosing when they are too busy, uninterested, or uninformed about a particular policy issue.
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